Our Legal Intern Başak Aygün has recieved her attorney’s license

13.12.2018 - MBD Manager Hande Özaras

Başak Aygün, who continued and completed her internship at Elmas&Yeşiloğu, recieved her attorney’s license today (13.12.2018) from E&Y Managing Partner Ömer Elmas, Managing Associate Özge Erşen and her team members Att. Ceyla Özkazanç, Att. Yeşim Odabaş.

Today as Elmas&Yeşiloğlu, we were proud at İstanbul Bar’s organization of license parade. Başak Aygün, who continued and completed her internship with us got her attoryney’s license from her team members and E&Y Managing Partner which who she worked within that period.

Başak Aygün who has completed her internship period is going to continue in our team as attorney at law. We congratulate her about her attorney’s license, that she is going to continue in our team and wish her continued success.